Monday, May 9, 2011

Whispers of Truth

I've thought a lot recently about responses, the good, the bad, and the surprising. In a thousand different moments we all react to situations differently, some more amiably than others. Anyone who lives and works with people knows that while we cannot control the intentions of others, we can control the reactions we have towards them. 

The other night a bumped into a recent acquaintance whose name I had trouble remembering. (I have no problems remembering it now.) While not discussing anything important in particular, I made a general complaint which I thought was small and maybe even a little bit justified to which I received a surprising response that was both judgmental and true. And while, yes, I am still a little annoyed with this practical stranger for judging my life at the time, particularly because they were right and I hate being wrong, I admire their reaction to my black mood and thoughtless complaint. They could have ignored it or brushed it off, but instead they addressed the issue with honesty, even if it wasn't something I wanted to hear. 

So, I guess my rambling on really comes down to this; consider closely the reactions that surround you as you walk throughout the many moments of your day, both the responses that you give and the ones given to you. Perhaps the things you don't want to hear from people who know very little about you are the exact truths that you need to hear. On the other hand, you may need to speak up when you know the response you will receive is not welcoming. Don't be afraid of honesty, either in giving or receiving. The response may not always be to your liking, but the truth behind it speaks volumes louder than you may presume.