Friday, April 6, 2012

The Greatest News

Can two weeks really change a life? Fourteen days. It seems like such an insignificant time compared to the span of one’s life. Can such a short time really make any difference in the world?

In a few short weeks from now a rag tag team collected from all over the US, including several students from Southeastern Seminary in quiet North Carolina will join local believers in the newly developed country of South Sudan to share the gospel with men, women, and children who have never heard of our glorious Savior. We will board a plane and fly literally half way across the world to a politically unstable country full of confused peoples scarred by the wounds of war for years upon end.

“The war is finally over,” many will say. “Our freedom is returned to us.” Unfortunately, our team as well as most of you know that a far greater war is taking place in the heart of South Sudan. This spiritual war brings destruction, anguish, and slavery for all who reject the gospel of Christ. While South Sudan has broken away from the oppression of their northern brothers, the Father of lies and destruction continues to seek them out, polluting their worship and blinding their eyes to the One True Liberator.

Two weeks. Fourteen days.  Three hundred and thirty six hours. This is the time God has provided for us in South Sudan to proclaim the truth of the gospel, to share a greater purpose of the Creator for their lives, and to partner with the few local Christians to teach, proclaim the gospel, plant churches, make disciples, and baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

How can you help? I’m so glad you asked!

One- PRAY! Pray hard. Pray purposefully. Pray with intention for the people we will come in contact with as well as our team members. Satan is active and at work to quench the Spirit, but our God is greater! He has already defeated Satan through the work of the cross and will not thwart the purposes of God to see His own come to salvation. The following link will lead you to a prayer calendar for the time our team is in South Sudan. I encourage you to take it and pray for us as we take the gospel to the nations. Prayer Calendar

Two- Share! If God so leads you, I pray that you would share this blog with others you know who will also pray for our team. Secondly, share Christ! What better time than this Easter season to share with others the greatness, glory, and power of the One True God and the salvation for all who believe? Share the gospel with others this week. Live the gospel. Proclaim to others the Good News of Christ and share the hope within you!  Also, I ask that you would consider sharing your support for me and my team as we raise support for this journey to South Sudan. While the journey is long and the way expensive, our God is greater than any material need we may have. I ask that you, along with your family or church family consider giving to this great journey of sending the gospel to the ends of the earth. If you’d like more information you can visit this link Give to South Sudan Team Here or contact me directly at

Can two weeks really change a life? I pray that it changes many for the gospel of Christ and the furtherance of His kingdom. I know it will change mine as I see the glory of God upon the hearts and lives of South Sudanese brothers and sisters as they trust Christ alone as Lord and Savior and experience true and eternal freedom. God is working in South Sudan and I cannot wait to join what He is already accomplishing there for His kingdom and glory.

“For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep and will seek them out. As a Shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his sheep that have been scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness. And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them into their own land.” Ezekiel 34:11-13

Glory and honor and praise be to our great God who seeks out those who are His from among the nations, rescues them, and brings them into the land where He dwells!

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