Saturday, June 2, 2012

Encouragement: Who Are You Celebrating?

Encouragement. It sounds like such a simple word, full of promise and possibilities. This word often floats into our minds as one of those happy words when someone points out the rainbow above our storm cloud or brings a small smile to our faces amidst chaos and confusion. Rarely do I meet a person who hates to be encouraged or lifted up, reminded that someone besides themselves was thinking of them that day.

Yet, for all of the wonderful feelings that come when others encourage us, we must also ask ourselves who it is we encourage on a daily basis. Who is it that I go out of my way to lift up, to bring a smile to his or her face? Who is it that I take the time to write a thoughtful note to or send a simple text message that I was thinking of her that day? Who is it I fall on my knees before the Father in intercessory prayer for God’s mercy, wisdom, and direction in his life during a difficult trial?

Today, I began celebrating my birthday week. Yes, birthday WEEK. One fun fact about me is I absolutely love birthdays. I try and take every chance I get to celebrate people, their lives, and remind myself how grateful I am they are part of my life. Each day of the week leading up to my birthday I try to do something a little different out of my usual day, to stop and simply celebrate where God has me in my life with amazing people He has put there. This week is filled with fun adventures and a few little splurges, but most of all it is spent in celebration of the wonderful circle of friends and family around me who “do life” with me in honesty, transparency, and godliness. These are the people I love remembering and celebrating as I look back over the last year. And, they are the very ones I want to encourage.

Encouragement is more than a happy thought or a smiley emoticon. It is a powerful means of celebration of one’s life, an empowering and sometimes vulnerable move of support, action, and genuine love. Be an encourager this week. Don’t wait. Go out of your way to lift up someone else. Celebrate others around you and praise our God and Father for the influence of that person in your life. Christ compels us to encourage others. May we live in worship of our great God and celebration and encouragement of those around us.

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Philippians 2:1-3

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